I don’t know about you, but I read the news and it’s rather depressing. Wars, violence, climate change talks that go nowhere. It’s easy to think our entire existence is in peril. Decisions made from this frame, from a lens of fear, are often cloudy and wrong. They are based on our survival instinct versus a mindset of building a solution.
Yesterday, a mentor told me that powerlessness is when you know something is wrong, but you don’t know how to make it right. I 100% understand that … viscerally. It’s easy to feel powerless when the challenges we face as humans, and as a planet, seem so daunting. So what can you do?
Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If something is going wrong, don’t go wrong with it. Be that change.
Today, even as I feel powerless over world events, my only solution is to live that change I want to see. Not because of a political narrative but through action.
I don’t know if you know, but one of my business is DashStrom Run Clubs. I teach you how to start your own INDEPENDENT children’s fitness business where you teach growth mindset, confidence, grit and resilience through our EmpowerFit curriculum of running games and drills.
Basically, we are teaching children as young as preschoolers to grow up with an Unchained Confidence mindset. To believe in themselves, to value themselves, and to know they can do hard things. Today, we’re in 41 states and have coached over 11,000 children.
We. Are. Changing. The. World.
Imagine ….
A generation of empowered, confident adults who learned resilience little by little while being healthy and fit. That’s the future our Run Club clients are creating.
So when I look at the news and begin to fear, I go back to the change I am helping to create, and it motivates me to be better, to do more. This also fuels my Unchained Confidence. My belief that “I’ve got this” no matter what. Regardless of world events, my teenagers behavior, or my crowded calendar…. I’m doing what I can.
I’ve got this. Because I am living in a solution instead of adding to the problem.
Are you being the change you want to see in the world? It doesn’t have to be a run club, but it’s gotta be something.
Go do that something ….
The world needs you to show your light.
👋 Hi, I’m Cristina and I help professionals just like you harness your Unchained Confidence
When you are ready, here are two ways we can work together:
1️⃣ Unchained Confidence coaching program for professionals looking to ditch the Imposter Syndrome and overthinking to make BOLDER decisions that turn you into an extraordinary leader
2️⃣ I can speak to your team about resilience, confidence, and becoming empowered by discomfort.
Resonate with what I am saying? Then shoot me an email cristina@cristinamramirez.com and ask me about how I can help you and/or your team. 🙌